About the Artist

Jewelry as Art, Magic, and Therapy

Before I started making jewelry in 2016 as part of insomnia therapy I would have sworn I had no artistic or creative skill whatsoever. Turns out I just hadn't found the right medium. I have always loved buying and wearing jewelry but never considered jewelry making as an art. And I certainly had never considered the therapeutic value of getting out of your head and working with your hands. But the first time I held a jeweler's torch and saw the solder flow, I felt like Harry Potter and have been obsessed with growing my technical and artistic skills in metals ever since. And let me tell you that setting things on fire and hammering metal to bend to your will are both very therapeutic after a long stressful day. :-)

I am still defining my aesthetic, but I definitely prefer big and bold statement pieces which incorporate geometric elements. Join me on my continuing journey to explore the art, therapy, and magic of jewelry making. And yes, most nights, I now sleep quite well.

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