Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

Are those earrings heavy? I get asked this question frequently and the answer is that this is a really hard question to answer. Every person has a different preference and tolerance for weight of earrings. And earrings that may wear comfortably at the beginning of the day may start to cause fatigue by the end of the day. It may seem logical at first that earrings that are larger (which is what I tend to make; no studs here) tend to weigh more than earrings that are smaller. But this is not always true. It really depends on the materials that go into the earring and how the earring is constructed. Do the earrings contain gemstones (which add weight)? How thick was the metal used to make them? Are the metal components solid or hollow? Is there a lot of empty space in the design? What metal is it? Did you know that gold is heavier than silver?

For each pair of earrings I post to my website I list the length in inches as well as the weight in grams. For example, the Eloise earrings pictured alongside this blog weigh just shy of 6g each in silver and just over 5g each in copper. If you search online for what is considered "heavy" for earrings you'll see a variety of answers from more than 5g per ear to more than 10g per ear. But the answer really just depends on each person. I can personally wear a pair of earrings that weigh 10g each all day and all night long without any issue. But clearly many people would consider those heavy. My recommendation is to take a few pairs of your favorite earrings and weigh them on your kitchen scale. Remember to weight each earring individually rather than as a pair. What range of weight do you observe? Now find a pair of earrings that you may love but that you know make your ears feel tired after a few hours of wear. Weigh one of those and compare. This can give you a much better sense of what your personal preferences and tolerances are for earring weight. Now armed with that information, go shop! 

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