Chat GPT Didn't Write This Blog

Chat GPT Didn't Write This Blog

As I officially launch my new jewelry brand and website, I wanted to be upfront and acknowledge the creative "partnership" with ChatGPT (via paid subscription) in coming up with product names and descriptions featured on the website. I love, love, love making jewelry. But to come up with a name and product description for every single ring, pendant, and earring is a completely different creative endeavor and one for which, quite frankly, I didn't want to expend my valuable creative energies. So I gave ChatGPT photos of my jewelry and asked it to suggest product names and then to write appropriate product descriptions. 

Initially I was quite impressed. I gave it a photo of a pendant I called "Amethyst Pendant #1" (you can see the level of effort I put into product naming) and it came back with "Lunar Embrace" and proceeded to describe how the "name suggests the moon-like shape and encircling design." And then it wrote this amazing product description that made me want to buy the pendant! 

But as I proceeded, I found that it was a bit formulaic and lacked well, creativity. Every piece of jewelry was "celestial" or "stellar" or "solar." Not that I mind this. I kind of like the cosmic theme, but didn't want every piece named this way. And every...single...piece with a blue stone was "Azure" something another.  At one point I got frustrated and asked it if it actually knew any other words for blue. Yes, I got snarky with a computer folks.

So I found I had to really be engaged and creative about what I asked for. I stopped asking for product names and started asking if the piece reminded ChatGPT of a famous piece of art. Or asked it to write a product description in a film noir or steam punk style. I got some great results this way. But this brings me back to the "partnership" part of creative partnership. I wasn't able to just hand over the creative process to ChatGPT. It was truly a partnership and while sometimes it gave me ideas, I had to give it ideas just as often. Is the end result better than what I could have accomplished alone? Almost certainly. Did it save me some time? Probably some, but not as much as I would have initially expected.

What do you think of the new product names and descriptions? Send me a message through the website or DM me on Instagram or Facebook to let me know what you think.

Note: photo accompanying this blog is an AI generated image of jewelry based on an actual photo of one of my pieces. It is not a real piece of jewelry. But pretty cool, huh?

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